wholesale indian beaded jewelry Daily and Night of Lazhou Island | Affiliated Travel Tips

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  1. baseball jewelry for moms wholesale Living in Hunan, the concept of Guangxi neighboring province is just a few hours of drive. Before I set off, I conceived to sleep for a night of sleeping to Nanning, and I could get to the North Sea by an hour of train. I just opened the sea and closed the sea. I thought it was more than enough to deal with this dream about the blue sea and blue sky in the three days of New Year's Day. What I never expected was that the three of us spent almost a day and one night on the road, and walked out of the Asian Europe as soon as possible, and came to this small town of Laizhou Island.

    The is the coastal city of Beihai. For more than an hour waiting time, we couldn't go to see the silver beach, nor did we go to all attractions about Beihai. Just with my friends around the international passenger port, stepping on the road to feel the monsoon at 21 ° north latitude and the coconut tree banana along the road and various blooming flowers. As soon as you inhale, you can feel the taste of the sea permeated in the air, and continue to keep your thoughts about the sea.

    For people from the inland, we have always heard many stories about the sea before we see the sea. The three bad experiences of watching the sea before, all like a peeping leopard in the tube. Walking on the streets of Beihai, you can see the skyline in the distance faintly. Although the front road is an unknown distant place, I am full of expectations.

    The tickets at five o'clock, start boarding the ship at 4:30. At the humble port of Beihai, the ships dried towards the Quartet. The winter night in the northern hemisphere came early, and the whistle in the twilight was a sense of vision that belonged to the other country. As if I was familiar with the warmth of this moorter as early as many years ago, it was tolerant of passers -by people with countless dreams that were sent.

    The cloudy clouds at the end of the year, and the gray ocean under the gray sky soon disappeared into the night. Occasionally you can feel the floating of Haibo in a stable navigation, and people who have been out of land have a anxious mood in the end of the night. At this time, the lights of the stars in the distance became the most emotional sustenance and comfort, and nothing would be happier than the light fire that suddenly came in the dark.

    The sailed for nearly two hours and finally stopped at the shore, and the scenery in the distance could not be seen in the night. The shortage of lighting facilities in the island cannot see the water beach under your feet. We bumped out of the station and specially found the mainland to come to pick up our boss from the inn. Two fellow friends in the boat and car Laurun have been exhausted. Fortunately, the dock is unwilling to leave the inn, but in ten minutes we have a very good sex inn. The last day of the Gregorian calendar will end here, and the first day of the Gregorian New Year will also start from here.

    The island is not as large as small town. We borrowed two small electric early, and we could surround the island for a day. There are not many attractions on the island. We did not go to the crater, observation deck, and crocodile mountains on the strategy. For the mountains of the mountains who are purely looking at the sea, the sea is the first and only purpose of our trip.

    is to find the sea. Unlike the imagination, although it is a small island town, it can be seen in the sea without a few steps. It is probably frequent in bad weather. The houses of residents on the island are mostly built in the island. You can see the sea through several small villages and a few small slopes. The first to see is the narrow bay of Crocodile Mountain, and it has also rejoiced the jumping shell on the beach. Although the sky was not clear in the morning, the sea was not blue enough.

    The Nanwan Street next to the bay should be the most prosperous place of the island. A variety of restaurants and markets are assembled along the road. When I didn't see the vast coastline of the island, I was thinking about the time when I was sitting on the coastal cafe to drink something. But after all, the Gulf is just a U -shaped hug. It is waiting for the islanders who go to sea to fishing, not our hurried passengers. I drove across the South Bay without staying for too long. I climbed on the steep slope to find the Catholic church recommended on the strategy.

    is probably a must -see attraction in the strategy, and it has been done to accept them as an excessive commercialization. However, when I saw the Catholic Church, it was still difficult to restrain the disappointment. The hustle and bustle of the surrounding vendors made the mysterious and solemn religious belief. The church that lost his admiration is like a puppet without soul, but it is a Gothic building different from the East without other new ideas. But without this journey, we are likely to miss the most beautiful scenery on the island.

    The leaving the Catholic Church on the streets and lanes, originally to perceive the island of the original ecology. But unexpectedly found a large beach and sea hidden behind the small road forest. When the coastline extends infinitely in the horizontal direction on both sides, the width is not seen. When the width of the sea competes with the blue sky, when I stepped into this vast landscape painting step by step. I was surprised that my words were scarce, and I couldn't find a word to describe the feelings at that moment. The ancients did not bully me. In this magnificent sea and sky, the white waves with the wind intertwined with long hair with the ballad of reality and fantasy. I was shocked by the creation of nature, my heart was respecting the world, and I was completely intoxicated in this dream.

    clean, pure and clean. There are no people on the beach for tourism development, no lounge chairs, no umbrella sheds, no coconut hawkers, no seafood stalls. There are only some travelers in this huge sea view. This is the ocean that I imagine countless times, the blue sea and blue sky, and the boundless coastline has golden sand and white waves. Without the slightest hustle and bustle, the quiet power of nature can cover the noise in my heart. Seeing this clear, blowing on the sea breeze, reluctant to move away and walk away. Obviously the ocean that met for the first time has given people deeply attachment.

    It still wants to leave, I can't take the sea, but it takes away my troubles. If the sea has countless mountains and rivers, and I have secretly hid it in my heart.

    It comes out of the pure painting dream, and it is expected to rush to the market to purchase seafood. Because the next stop we are going to the cliff to see the day, we know very little about seafood. We are even a blind implication for purchasing. We bought two pounds with concepts of pounds. shrimp. It is also possible that I thought that I had no mood to take care of and drinking at the sea.

    has not chased the sunset for a long time. The recent memory was still five years ago, and I was riding a small electric to follow the sun all the way west. Haifeng hit his face, and the sun was slightly stunned. We did not find the so -called cliff, but found another beach in chase. Unlike before, the sand here is white. We stand side by side on the white sand and watch the sun sink. Sinking to the clouds appeared below, until the clouds slowly fell completely.

    In the time when there was a wheelchair, an old man looked at the sunset quietly, perhaps the local residents may be foreign people. May this twilight every day to cure this hesitant back. As the sunset sinks west, the journey of Puzhou Island is about to end. I hope I can take a few steps, and I can watch the sunset again.

    before discovering the East Coast, I found a dog first. When I was a kid, I had been bitten by a wolf dog, so I saw that dogs would always have a little conditional fear. Residents on the island loved dogs more. Whenever they saw dogs, they couldn't help but stop. It was unexpected that three or five family dogs were often seen in the alley, but they did not bark when they saw the sage, and they had the same kindness as the people on the island. In the alley, I did not intend to enter a hostel. It was a teddy like a fried chicken who came out to greet us.

    I was attracted by its poetic signature, and rejoiced this leisurely decoration. Volunteer is a cheerful Guangdong girl, a girl who can get on the road with a straw hat. Rest in the courtyard chatting and teasing dogs, thinking of the kindness and simplicity of people on the island on the way. For example, our mobile phones are not stolen in the unlocked small electric vehicles three or five times.

    . Although the illusion of people's feet has not been implemented on the island, the soil under the feet is for those who live here. If everything has its own fixed number, it may be the inspiration given by traveling without being lost.

    1 1. Shipping from Beihai to Dazhou Island Tickets ranging from 120-150 yuan (one-way)

    2. The island ticket is required to enter the island, the price is 115 yuan (island tickets Including tickets on all attractions in Lazhou Island)

    3. Accommodation suggestions

    a. If you still want to play at night, you can choose to live in Nanwan Street

    b. Watching the sunrise and sunset, you can choose to stay near the island and west villages

    4. The above can be scheduled from where you are, Ctrip, Taobao, Meituan in advance
    n n n R n 5. Electric vehicles can choose to rent in the hotel, or directly Meituan

    6. Seafood ingredients must be purchased in small amounts. Generally, ingredients can be provided for processing, and a certain processing fee can be charged ( The 2 catties of Pippi Shrimp is still shadow to me)

    7. The seawater in Laizhou Island in winter is still a bit cold and unable to dive in the sea.

    8. Everyone has their own preferences and gameplay. Here I do not recommend the strategy

    9. Protect the environment, remember to take away garbage, including themselves.

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