wholesale enchanted jewelry Liu Qian Spring Festival Gala Magic in 2009

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  1. wholesale scarves and jewelry In this year's CCTV Spring Festival Gala, Liu Qian's magic attracted heated discussion among netizens across the country. The magician Liu Qian did have a lot of excellence, but the most amazing thing was to change Dong Qing's ring into eggs. Everyone knows that magic itself is to perform a kind of illusion of people. The magician does not have any magic. So how does Dong Qing's ring become an egg?

    09 Spring Festival Gala in the Spring Festival Gala is very magical? If you don't want to be deceived, then please don't look down.

    In the magic of the coin plug in the glass. I believe everyone must stare at the two glass cups together, but you can see anything because you can see it because the signature is signature, because the signature signatures The coins have been quietly adhered to the big glass bottom with special glue by the magician, and he only holds a coin in his hand. It is not seen in front of it. The magic table is not an ordinary table. Under the green tablecloth, a stainless steel table is fixed under the table. Special glue is hot and weakened, and the coin is dropped by gravity. The fake coins in the magician's hands have been hidden in the pocket.

    mades to the magic that the diamond ring is transferred to the egg. Everyone should remember that Dong Qing said that the ring is her ancestor, is it priceless? She actually implies that the audience's ring is unique in the world and cannot be imitated. Otherwise, everyone thinks that diamond ring has been popular in China in recent years. Diamond ring appears in China in the past two decades. With Dong Qing's family, it is impossible to pass such a diamond ring. Some. Then the positive solution of this magic is: Dong Qing has already placed an exactly the same diamond ring in the egg selected for the second time. As for whether it is really a diamond ring, it is not a question we care about. Maybe it is just a crystal glass ring. Use the current science and technology, the current science and technology, The artificial eggs can be achieved very simple, not to mention placing a ring in the eggs, it is no matter how easy it is. Then the remaining task of the magician is to disappear the ring in his hand. This is for any magician. Easy things. In fact, the key to these two magic lies in Dong Qing's cooperation. Using the audience's trust in her, I feel that there will be no such possibilities at her now. Dong Qing wants to be a supporting role in a cross talk.

    The finally rubber band. Everyone knows that the leather diameter is bombing. And the elastic leather diameter must be broken if you don't see it clearly. People who have finished the rubber band when they are young should understand this. Elephant.) When putting the rubber band on the fingers, the special double -gluten leather diameter is used. Put a layer outside a series of pulling through a series of pulling. Naturally, it will pass! There are many ways to do it by yourself. Friends who do n’t understand, you should find it on the Internet. I hope that after reading it, do n’t feel deceived after it is revealed. Because the magic itself is like this, turning impossible things into possible, all use clever design props and the skill of the magician. Magic is just a kind of entertainment In the form, knowing that the bottom is not so amazing. Remind everyone to appreciate the wonderful shows and don't be fooled at the same time.

    I observed this magic very carefully, because the camera is very close, and the magician Liu Qian's hands can be seen from the light. "I think this is the flaws, at least it can change the ring in my hand. Maybe the ring in the egg has already existed." Many netizens saw Liu Qian's hands full of oil, but some people believe that magic The master is so well -known, this magic should not be so simple. Maybe the oil on the hand has other uses, such as reflecting the glass, maybe secret in the glass. Cover the secret. Almost all netizens determined that the ring was put in the eggs for a long time, and the ring that Dong Qing took off from his hand was not the one that was finally sandwiched from the egg. The difference is that some netizens think that the ring is put in advance, and some more careful netizens have questioned: the eggs are intact, how can the ring be put in advance? So there is another answer: eggs are fake, specially made, not ordinary eggs we usually eat. The problem is not eggs, but on the plate of eggs. It can be seen from the TV that the plate of the eggs is taken from the table. The bottom of this plate shows dark blue. In fact, it is not because of the thick glass, but a layer of blue. When Liu Qian took the plate, he stuffed the ring into the paste. Because he was opaque, he could not see the rings in the paste. When the eggs were hit, Liu Qian clamped the ring from the paste. Some netizens advise everyone not to entangle the secrets of magic, but to respect the magician and retain the curiosity. He said that one of the magic artists' precepts that they could not disclose the magic secrets and said, "If you are really interested in magic, you can learn from some magic websites from the basic. In this way, Liu Qian's performance is worth it. In fact, there are many magic magic. In fact, there are many magic magic. There are similar amazing effects. As long as everyone is willing to spend time and hard work to learn, these magic can learn and perform, so I suggest that you can correct your mentality to learn magic. "

    Another one claimed to be a magician stood out: "I am a magician, and Liu Qian is quite familiar. I also watched the performance of the Spring Festival Gala. To be honest, he was a little nervous. The magic of the metropolis is not difficult. The most controversial is the latter two. I read the so -called positive solution. Liu Qian's grade magician is definitely unlikely to perform with those so -called props. So complicated, if you want to use this prop, Liu Qian is better to switch to as an engineer, and if it changes according to that prop, the coin pops up at least two sounds of impact glass, I only heard one. I have practiced coins magic magic. You can see that he has used a Tibetan coin in his hand. As for me, I can also tell you that it is impossible. The coin is definitely the coin. Even more shocking, the other is to avoid controversy. If there are two coins, it will basically not sign the audience. As for the ring, it is more to be colluded. The biggest insulted by the teacher, there are many more shocking magic than these more shocking magic. But this performance I think there is really inappropriate places. In front of so many people, the stage magic should be performed. The close scene is not a good idea. What's more, Liu Qian's stage is also quite great. When we perform magic, we often have audiences' random speculation. You are not professional. Most of you have not practiced magic. Many you can't understand, which causes the appearance of random guessing, but please remember that the magician spent a lot of time practicing a method of calling. You will not know that we have paid here. How much time and sweat, a simple method may be skilled in a day or two, but a difficult method may take one or two months to be skilled, and there are thousands of magic techniques. And finally overcoming the fear of the fear of failure in your heart, in front of you, but was finally scornful or other unbearable words, can you appreciate the feeling in our hearts? Indeed, magic is fake, but we pay for it, but we pay for it. The effort is true. Do you figure out how a magic becomes so important? As long as Liu Qian does not say it, what you see, what you think will basically not be the correct answer, so no matter how guessing it is meaningless Watching Magic is the process of magic magic. What you enjoy is to see how we turn impossible into possible processes. When decryption becomes more important than enjoying magic, watching magic lost its meaning. people There are curiosity, but please temporarily put away your curiosity at this moment and give some respect for the magic and magicians. If there is a magician or enthusiast to participate in the decryption, please memorize the magician ring again in your heart, thank you "."

    coins move to the glass and the ring is moved into the egg. Egg: It can be seen from the TV that the plate that picks out the egg is taken out of the table. The dark blue at the bottom of the plate is not because the glass is thick, but a layer of blue paste. , Paste opaque, so others can't see the ring inside. When the eggs are hit, they will pick out the ring from the paste. Dong Qing is entrusted by coins to enter the glass. First prepare two transparent glass, not too small. Half -piece newspaper "Black paper. In fact, any color can be used, as long as there is no "pattern", but not too thin. First cut two round pieces with the same paper, the size is the same as the cup mouth. Then stick to each cup. The difference is that one of the round pieces is posted first. Then use other colors of paper to make two "cylinders" that can hold the cup. It should be higher than the cup itself. It is best to fit together on the edge of the above. Essence Then spread the "half -piece newspaper size" on a desktop, and then put the two cups with the paper cover within the range of the black paper, and they were all ready to complete. Then carry a coin in the bag, the old and the "in the cup" are almost the same. If you practice a little, you can perform

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